KOBAYASHI Inochi Keihi Complex with equol and ginseng to maintain healthy activity, 60 tables
KOBAYASHI Inochi Keihi Complex with equol and ginseng to maintain healthy activity, 60 tables
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KOBAYASHI Inochi Keihi Complex with equol and ginseng to maintain healthy activity preserves women's health and beauty, strengthens the immune system and gives strength, tones the body.
The complex is designed for young women with increased workloads at work or at home who need additional strength, heart support, general health and female beauty.
KOBAYASHI's Mother of Life (Inochi) series of drugs has been aimed at the mental and physical health of women for more than a century. The company develops nutritional supplements to eliminate symptoms caused by the influence of female hormones in accordance with the life stage.
Dietary supplements are effective for the following conditions: poor health, fatigue and lack of motivation, anxiety and laziness.
Balanced combination of Japanese equol (equol-α) and components of traditional Chinese medicine (ginseng, cinnamon and ginger) allows you to cope with these conditions.
Equol (equol-α) it is an active metabolite produced by intestinal bacteria. But with age and with an unbalanced diet, equol is difficult to produce in the body.
Ginseng it has been known for more than 2000 years and its properties are valued by the royal family and aristocrats. It effectively strengthens the immune system and gives strength for activity.
Cinnamon It is one of the oldest spices in the world. It has a powerful toning effect.
Ginger It has been used for health-related purposes since ancient times all over the world. It has properties that improve blood circulation.
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