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MTG TRAINING GEAR SIXPAD Abs Fit 2 Stimulator for training and strengthening the muscles of the press

-20%economy $60
Electrical muscle stimulation
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Article number: 099980

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MTG TRAINING GEAR SIXPAD Abs Fit 2 Stimulator for training and strengthening muscles press, This is an EMS stimulator for training and improving the tone of the abdominal muscles. The SIXPAD EMS stimulator program for training and improving muscle tone is designed for 23 minutes and consists of a gradual increase in intensity: warming up, training with alternating stimulation and rest, high-intensity training and relaxation.

EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) – this is a technology that uses electrical signals to stimulate and train muscles. The flow of electrical signals causes a point contraction in the muscles, resembling a "natural" one that occurs during work or physical exertion.

The action of the stimulator for Abs Fit 2 training:

Abs Fit is a six-point pad for your abs, the soft silicone coating fits comfortably and neatly into the contours of your body, while the electrodes and conductive gel sheets evenly and efficiently distribute impulses.

Muscles consist of very thin muscle fibers of two types: fast-and slow-contracting muscles. Fast-contracting muscles are easy to develop, and allow you to get a good body shape in a short time. They are characterized by high strength and even faster fatigue. To stimulate them, high-intensity training is necessary, for which not everyone is physically ready. EMS stimulator selectively affects rapidly contracting muscles, even at low intensity, so that the development of muscles becomes more noticeable.

The flow of electric charges causes a point contraction in the muscles, resembling a natural one that occurs during work or exercise. Its advantage is that there is no load on the cardiovascular system, the body does not experience fatigue and overheating during such a "workout". This method of muscle activity is suitable for people suffering from problems with the heart or respiratory system.

Myostimulants affect both muscle fibers and subcutaneous tissue, improve blood circulation and cellular nutrition of tissues, thereby reducing fat deposits. Stimulation of nerves and muscles with the help of electrical discharges has long been used for medical purposes to restore muscle tone and strengthen them in people with various diseases of the neuromuscular apparatus.

It should be said that myostimulation can not serve as a full-fledged substitute for physical activity and give results without a proper diet. Electro simulators will help to maintain muscle tone and skin elasticity, it is better to use them not for weight loss, but for a cosmetic effect.

Stimulator SIXPAD Abs Fit it is perfect if you do not have time for regular workouts; you want to keep your muscles in good shape, but without visiting the gym; you need additional training to increase muscle mass; it is convenient to take with you on trips.

Вставьте батарейки в корпус EMS стимулятора SIXPAD (черная таблетка служит для открытия корпуса тренажера);
Снимите с гелевых накладок оранжевую защитную пленку и приклейте на контакты тренажера, если образовались пузырьки, распределите пальцами гелевый слой;
Аккуратно снимите белую пластиковую пленку (не выкидывайте белую защитную пленку, после тренировки ею стоит прикрыть гелевые контакты) с гелевых накладок и прикрепите тренажер на живот;
Длительным нажатием на ”+” включите тренажер, если хотите увеличить мощность, нажмите несколько раз на знак “+”;
Программа длиться 23 минуты;
После окончания тренировки, аккуратно снимите тренажер прикройте контакты белой защитной пленкой, положите на картонную подставку и уберите в оранжевую сумочку.
Availability in stockWarehouse Japan
PowerEMS (Myostimulator) 20Hz
Power ChargerExclusive AC adapter (used for charging)
EquipmentПрибор SIXPAD Abs Fit , гелевый лист с высокой проводимостью (6 листов), CR2032 батареи х 2шт., мешок, инструкция на японском языке
Weight with packaging850 g
A countryJapan

MTG TRAINING GEAR SIXPAD Abs Fit 2 Stimulator for training and strengthening the muscles of the press reviews

Categories:Figure correction

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