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PLAMINE Clione Spa Hair Care Brush

For hair washing, styling and scalp massage
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Article number: 160173
Your price $366

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PLAMINE Clione Spa Hair Care Brush designed for washing, combing and improving hair growth.

Plamine Clione Spa is an innovative development of the brand of the world-famous Clione device for hair care.

It is ideal for enhancing the effectiveness of scalp products (tonics and serums).

The brush is waterproof and can be used while washing your hair.

The shape of the brush repeats the roundness of the head, which allows it to glide perfectly, caring for the scalp with the help of LED therapy.

Two types of soft and elastic bristles contribute to the perfect removal of impurities from the scalp, prevent damage to the delicate scalp skin. Rounded tips promote deep penetration into the pores of the skin and remove dirt.

This brush is very pleasant to massage the scalp to stimulate blood circulation.

The LED therapy brush function works with two colors:

  • blue LED (430 nm (± 10 nm)) removes inflammation in the hair follicles, which leads to hair loss and alopecia. As a result, the hair grows healthier, stronger and firmer.
  • red LED (630 nm (± 10 nm)) penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, acts directly on the hair follicles and promotes hair growth, has a rejuvenation function, since this light is effective in thinning hair due to a decrease in the amount of collagen.

The brush is wireless and is charged using a C-type cable.

The automatic shutdown function after 10 minutes contributes to its safe use.

Recommendations: do not use a brush if you are undergoing medical treatment related to the head. Do not use for people suffering from epilepsy.

1. Расчесывание. Слегка расчешите волосы перед мытьем шампунем.
2. Тщательно промойте волосы, помогая распределять шампунь с помощью щетки. Расчешите волосы от от линии роста волос к затылку, затем в боковые стороны от ушей и сзади от шеи к макушке. Двигайтесь небольшими шагами, это улучшит эффект и поднимет настроение.
3. Использование с дополнительными средствами по уходу за волосами (маски, сыворотки) - нанесите средство на кончики волос и равномерно растяните его щеткой. Если средство необходимо наносить на кожу головы, после нанесения проводите включенной щеткой по скальпу мягкими движениями, это способствует лучшему проникновению ингредиентов и значительно повышает их эффективность.
4. Укладка. Высушите волосы феном, с помощью щетки придавая им объем у корней.
Availability in stockWarehouse Japan
AppointmentHair Care
Skin typeFor all types
Hair Typefor all hair types, against itching and peeling, when falling out, for the confused, for hair growth
EquipmentАдаптер переменного токa, USB-кабель, руководство по эксплуатации, гарантийный талон.
Weight with packaging1000 g
A countryJapan

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