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SOUYI Hydrogen Water Maker Hydrogen Water Generator

5.0022 reviews
Прибор преобразует обычную воду в водород путём электролиза. Способствует быстрому восстановлению...
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All characteristics
  • Overview
  • Application
  • Specifications
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The principle of operation of the SOUYI Hydrogen Water Maker device is the conversion of ordinary water into hydrogen by electrolysis. Hydrogen H2 is able to penetrate through the cell membranes, where it neutralizes toxins and other harmful substances. Hydrogen stabilizes the metabolic processes. It is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Molecular hydrogen is the most unique and multifunctional antioxidant in nature. Hydrogen is non-toxic, PH-neutral, so hydrogen water has no contraindications.

The following therapeutic effects of hydrogen have been proven: antioxidant effect, anti-inflammatory effect, anti-allergic effect. With regular use, the development of chronic diseases passes from the active stage to the stage of recession.

The result of regular use of hydrogen water:

- improves memory;
- improves the level of hydration (up to 6 times better than regular water);
- has a rejuvenating effect;
- reduces the risk of overwork, contributes to the rapid restoration of energy balance;
- improves muscle performance, which is necessary for athletes;
- promotes weight loss;
- normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- accelerates the healing of wounds, scars after surgery;
- has an anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect;
- restores the functioning of the liver, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels.

The SOUYI Hydrogen Water Maker Hydrogen Water Generator provides you with healthy water enriched with hydrogen in just 3 minutes!

It is recommended to use it for people who have chronic diseases or live in an environmentally unfavorable environment.

To obtain hydrogen water, it is recommended to use boiled tap water, drinking water without gas or mineral water.

Degree of hydrogen saturation: 3 minutes-607 ppb ~ 700 ppb. It is believed that for a therapeutic effect, the concentration of H2 should be higher than 500 ppb.

A green light means that charging is completed.

Red color-the device is charging.

The blue color is the production of hydrogen.

Accessories: USB AC adapter, micro USB cable, user manual.

It has no contraindications. It is recommended for use by adults, children, pregnant women, and animals.

The manufacturer gives a 1 - year warranty.

The shelf life and use is designed for 2 years.

To prolong the youth of your body and maintain health for many years, start using hydrogen water, which will quickly tone your body and add vital energy.

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the packaging and composition without prior notice. The appearance of the product and its composition may differ from those shown in the photo. Please carefully read the actual composition indicated on the packaging of the purchased product before use.

To recharge the generator without water via the mains or via USB, a full charge can take up to 4 hours.
Disconnect the generator from the mains.
Charging lasts for about 15 applications.
Pour already purified clean water into the generator tank, then press the ON button, water is being charged and enriched with hydrogen, you can see the blue color of the backlight.
After 3 minutes, the device turns itself off with a sound. Your water is enriched with hydrogen!
Do not turn on the generator ON button (at the bottom of the glass) without water!
Drinking water from a glass is not recommended, the water must be poured into another container.
Availability in stockWarehouse Japan
Charging time3-4 hours
Working hoursприблизительно 15 циклов
Power supplyno
Power5V 1А
Battery capacity3.7 V 1500 mAh
Power supplyUSB
Size 20 × 7.5 cm
Material Stainless steel, Silicone
The quality of the water usedtap, mineral, filtered
Hydrogen concentration3 minutes - 607 ppb ~ 700 ppb
Volume420 ml
Weight with packaging700 g
Battery life1000 cycles
Quality Assurance1 year
A countryJapan

SOUYI Hydrogen Water Maker Hydrogen Water Generator reviews

Average customer rating:(2)5.00 out of 5 stars

Заказ #1516 от февраля 2021

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В заказе 1516 очень понравился
генератор водородной воды SOOY Hydrogen WaterWaker .Прибор качественный и отличный.Удобен в эксплуатации, просто в обращении.
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ID заказа: 1516
Трек номер: CN009022343JP
Служба доставки: SURFACE MAIL - Бесплатная доставка из Японии
SOUYI Hydrogen Water Maker Генератор водородной воды

Заказ получен в целости и сохранности. Выполнен качественно. Полученным товаром доволен. Особый позитив-общение с Мариной. Человек компетентный и отзывчивый. На все интересующие и не понятные вопросы давала очень точные разъяснения, ни один вопрос без ответа не остался. Однозначно рекомендую. Спасибо.

Categories:Hydrogen devices

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