Probiotics and prebiotics
Probiotics they are needed not only to restore the intestinal microflora after treatment with antibiotics or with obvious dysbiosis, but also with courses on a regular basis. Environmental living conditions, nutrition, stress all affect the state of our digestion, and along with it, the immune system weakens. Therefore, digestion needs to be restored and maintained in good shape. Probiotics come to the rescue.
Probiotics are drugs and biologically active additives that include living microorganisms. These are mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but there may be other microorganisms. They normalize the balance of the human microflora. Most often they can be found in natural yoghurts and other lactic acid products.
A study by Japanese dermatologists has shown that fermented milk with the H61 strain of the bacterium Lactococcus lactis, for example, has a positive effect on the regeneration of skin cells.
By the way, earlier scientists have already established that the probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 can be an effective remedy for psoriasis, which is an autoimmune disease that causes redness of the skin and the formation of a scaly rash.
But probiotics should not be confused with prebiotics. The latter are poorly digested food substrates that serve for the nutrition and growth of one or more groups of beneficial bacteria living in the large intestine.